Pop quiz! What is one of the most important tools when doing yoga?
While most of us are always on top of making sure we have our mats, and some of us are making sure that we have on the latest workout get up before hitting the studio, almost all of us are forgetting the item that holds the most value. Our Sankalpa. One should never leave home without it.
Sankalpa is the inner work of the practice; it is the prayer or the good intention that orchestrates the movement. Seeking out and setting the intention is an essential component in anyone’s yoga, without it, one cannot reap the full benefits of their practice. By utilizing the greatness of Sankalpa, we can work to align our spiritual truths with our worldly behavior.
“The essence of your intention is stored in a cosmic database, every dedication that is in line with your destiny will eventually be released into fruition.”
When setting your intention, be mindful of keeping it just that. Try not to turn it into a request for something tangible by setting a goal. With an intention we always start where we belong. The beginning. The other wonderful thing about an intention is that you can set it up so no matter what direction life takes you, you are content and receptive to its many rhythms. An example of an intention could be the ability to express joy no matter what adversities you face.
How to turn a goal into an intention:
“My goal is to open up a cafe because I’m passionate about making people happy with my delicious foods.”
Turn it into an intention by saying:
Through my practice, it is my desire to generate happiness.
Now you try!