“Following that part of myself that knows and knows that it knows is where my power lies. ”
How do you connect to your vital wild?
When I am in nature I connect to the elements, the aspects and birth, death and rebirth.
When do you feel most powerful?
I feel most powerful when I am tuned into the my truth and able to follow it. Following that part of myself that knows and knows that it knows is where my power lies.
What is one truth you would love for other women to know?
The one truth I want other women to know is that they are radiant and powerful. That the real freedom and power lies in collaboration and cooperation without competition, jealousy or agenda. When we truly and wholeheartedly celebrate another's success we amplify our own power.
What is your magic and how will you share it with others?
My magic is helping other’s identify their unique magic and to create personal practices and rituals that will help them to move beyond the doubt and fear that hold them back fully stepping into their power.
What is one wellness item you would take with you on a stranded island?
My one item would be a bottle of abyhangha oil. So I could warm my oil up in the sun and do a daily self massage.
What is a book / quote that inspires you?
The book that has been inspiring me for years is The Four Desires by Rod Stryker. He lays out a systematic and accessible approach to move beyond limiting beliefs and to move more into alignment with dharma.
Learn more about Tracee on her website: https://traceeyoga.com/
Instagram: @tracee_stanley