Wild Woman Daily Blog


The Path To Self:

A Journey Unfolding by Sihnuu Hetep

I am a firm believer that there is no higher spiritual calling than the one that connects us to our personal truth. The calling that tells us to go deeper, beyond our comfort zone, beyond what meets the eye, beyond the roles that society has assigned us, even beyond the personal beliefs we’ve created around who we are. In my journey to self, I’ve had the privilege of exploring the painful yet potent depths of my being using various healing modalities, Yoga, Meditation, and journaling being the main tools along the way. With a spiritual foundation in Kemetic philosophy, the concept of living truth has always been at the forefront of my existence in my adulthood. By combining the divine wisdom of ancient teachings and honest dialogue with my body I’ve been able to explore who I am fully, dissecting to make self whole again.

With this blog relaunch it is my intention to share with full transparency the teachings, the turmoil, and the tools I’ve used to get where I am today and those I continue to collect along the way. I truly believe that there are people out there who like me, benefit from the company and insight of others navigating a similar path to self-reclamation, curious of what they may find, receptive to the unfolding. I look forward to us gathering, learning, and walking together.

Yours in wellness and truth,

Sihnuu Hetep

#SihnuuHealingSpaces : #Myofascial Therapy 


Today’s #tbt is doubling as an accurate depiction of my post #MyofascialRelease Therapy #mood.🏾‍♀️

Yesterday I started my morning with The Still Point, a super cozy spa centered in Takoma Park, MD. I’ve stepped into this space a few times to peep the scene and speak with a few practitioners, but never received a full service, but yesterday I tried something new. Ihad heard of myofascial release from a few of my fellow #Yogis, but had only known the method through the use of a tennis ball. Ryan at #TheStillPoint expanded my scope. 

But first...What is fascia, you ask? It is said that our fascia is like a sweater inside of our bodies and if one thread is jacked up the entire sweater is too! Fascia has the appearance of gauze and is the connective tissue that encloses muscles, surrounds the nerves and encases the organs in a web of fibrous spiderweb like collagen from head to toe. 

When we experience physical trauma, inflammation, wear and tear from repetition scar tissue and even emotional trauma anywhere in our bodies it can  affect other areas and we create tightness in our fascia. This is why this form of therapy can be especially beneficial for yogis, runners, swimmers, any person who uses their body in a demanding way consistently or anyone who experiences chronic pain and discomfort inside of their body. 

The session took an hour and it felt great to just lay on a table and be! Ryan incorporated light to heavy pressure massage, guided breathing, hot towels and assisted stretching in targeted areas of my body to lengthen connective tissue and relieve me of any tightness and restriction. 

After my session if felt open, definitely heard less cracks and pops and experienced an overall sense of ease moving through my day.  

If you are ever in the Takoma Park area I would definitely take some time to explore the unique massage offerings The Still Point has. What healing module should I try for my next #SihnuuHealingSpaces adveunture? Comment below!

Fierce Devotion: Power and Passion

Pictured asana: Hanumansana / Yogi Splits, a pose of devotion. Hanuman, was the son of a monkey and the wind, and the king of the monkeys in Hindu mythology. Hanuman served as a devotee to Rama  and pledged his loyalty to him. Rama’s …

Pictured asana: Hanumansana / Yogi Splits, a pose of devotion. Hanuman, was the son of a monkey and the wind, and the king of the monkeys in Hindu mythology. Hanuman served as a devotee to Rama  and pledged his loyalty to him. Rama’s wife Sita was kidnapped and Hanuman came to the rescue by taking giant (and literal) leap of faith across the ocean from India’s south-east coast to Sri Lanka to save her.  With Hanuman's devotion he was able to do the seemingly impossible. When we channel our own devotion we can also move beyond perceived limitations and connect to our personal power.

What greater power exists than devotion? We literally have to dig deep and transform fear into faith, pain into purpose and commit ourselves wholeheartedly. To devote ourselves to anything takes a healthy balance of strength, receptivity, sacrifice  and an unwavering passion to see something through. When we are in love we devote ourselves to sharing who we are with another, as parents we devote ourselves to being selfless and giving. Devotion to self could look like dedication to peace or finding an authentic connection to our own happiness. 


Most of us have either shown or felt devotion in some way and understand that it isn’t always an easy task. We are faced with challenges like self doubt, naysayers and overall frustration when things don’t seem to go the way we intend. Devotion invites us to explore what it means to be patient and trusting, two essential virtues needed to stay the course. 

On August 26th 2016 former 49ers quarterback,  Colin Kaepernick put it all on the line and devoted himself by taking a knee to raise awareness around oppression of African American people in the U.S.

On August 26th 2016 former 49ers quarterback,  Colin Kaepernick put it all on the line and devoted himself by taking a knee to raise awareness around oppression of African American people in the U.S.

Devotion can serve as a way to remind us of our own courage and connect our lives to something of purpose. Being devoted awakens a certain fire within us that transforms fear into light. We become warriors fighting against self ignorance and defeating those voices inside that tell us “we can’t.” With this light, we are also able to inspire others to move beyond their fears and align themselves with something meaningful. We channel compassion and dedication of the Heart Chakra to connect to a love so committed and true that even when we feel compelled to give up, we keep going, we keep giving.  What are you currently devoting yourself to? How do you stay devoted when you feel challenged?  What do you think you can do to be more devoted?


Below I’ve listed a few things that I am devoted to.

  • Yazi (my daughter) 
  • My yoga practice (challenging with work and mommyhood, but I’m dedicated).
  • Family
  • Sister friends
  • Community uplifment
  • My overall well-being 
  • Yoga!

I can’t wait to here what you have to share! Let us know in the comments!