Journey To Inner Space:
This is my Voice
In the quiet of my mind, I've heard the loudest voice.
Growing up, I didn't talk much. But it wasn't because I didn't have anything to say. I grew up watching a lot go on with little knowledge of how to articulate my thoughts and feelings. The fullness of my silence, coupled with being raised as a child that was to be more seen than heard out of respect, groomed me to be a deep reflector.
The Throat Chakra or Vishudda is our 5th energy center and seat of communication/self-expression. Life requires us to listen and respond for it to move in harmony with our inner landscape. Our internal resonance creates an aura or etheric field around us, which links the physical body with other people's subtle bodies. This exchange reminds us that while the voice compliments the many forms of communication between beings, it is not the only way. When we feel repressed in our ability to speak up, our spirits tend to find the most accessible way to communicate. Sometimes it's through art; other times through acts of rage or sadness. My way was through pen and paper.
I remember getting my first journal from my grandparents when I was in the sixth grade. Every year after that, they would gift me with elaborately made journals inspired by art of the diaspora. It all led to a growing curiosity around who I was, where I was from, where I wanted to go, and how to navigate all four. In my first few journals, I wrote poetry. It was like the stepping stone for me while exploring ways to express myself. Soon my poems became more personal; eventually, I found myself pouring into the pages. My writing grew into a mirror reflection of my inner world. Writing became the way I communicated to connect to the world outside of myself.
In the quiet of myself, I experience my most in-depth insight.
As years went on, I grew more curious, more articulate, and found myself filling pages with more ease. My writing was now a gateway to my own liberation and where I felt my most assured in my authenticity. When I was at war with myself, my pen was the weapon I used to fight against the demons of my mind. Writing consistently over the years not only helped me develop an accepting relationship with myself, but it also helped me to cultivate the confidence needed to express myself to others effectively.
When we are receptive, and our life force is flowing freely, our etheric fields can align with people and experiences that validate our individuality and live outside of the pockets of our mind. Whether through energy exchange, writing, healing sound, chanting, or speaking aloud, communication is vital in all things connectivity and serves as the bridge between internal and external.
Throat Chakra Reflections:
Where do I feel my safest to communicate? Where do I tend to hold back or trip over my words? Is it with a person, or in a certain setting? When I compare, what do I find that I need the most in order to communicate safely and effectively? Are there any fears I can overcome?
Yours in truth and wellness,
Sihnuu Hetep